If You’re Thinking About Playing an #OTCSET Stock, Read This First

I’m all in on my Special Event Theory, largely because of how unprecedented it was to see so many OTC charts make secular higher highs back around 2021, and how my interpretation of the action back then and since then gives me the overwhelming feeling that a bigger movement is occurring than what we saw just in 2021.

The fact that GameStop is following the same formula, has the same chart structure and looks primed to test/break it’s 2021 highs gives me a huge level of confirmation that this is actually happening. I truly believe we’re witnessing history and it won’t be made just with $GME or in the OTC, but these are where I believe the current juiciest opportunities exist.

All that being said, please don’t blindly follow me into these plays without reading and understanding everything I’ve shared in these articles (especially these). Do your DD. The risks are very real. The time frame is entirely unknown. The market will not make this easy, and that’s even assuming I’m right. So as much as I believe in the message I’m sharing and want to spread it far and wide, more than anything I want to make sure that people are thinking critically while becoming more aware.

If nothing else, follow along and see how the theory pans out over time. Right now there are only a few tickers that have gotten beyond their long term/ secular ceiling levels. For this theory to prove to be true, we should see that list grow much larger and even the most promising setups I have on watch have a long ways to go to hit their ceilings.

The point of this site is to compile as much information on the theory as I could while hopefully still keeping it digestible for people interested in it. I am not selling anything nor do I want people to just blindly believe everything I say. I’m learning as I go and evolving my understanding of things, so take everything with a large grain of salt. Let’s let the market show us what is what, but at the same time don’t ignore what I’m pointing out either. If you are compelled by my theory and understand the risks, I think there’s money to be made as we sit back, witness and take part in what I believe is a literal financial revolution.